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Dr. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu


There is no need worrying again to either travel outside or pay a huge amount of fees to study holistic medicine outside. It is now here in Ghana and this is made possible by the partnership between Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine in Cyprus rated amongst the Top Five Alternative medicine schools in the USA by Shannon Walker in 2012 inforBarrel and Dr. Nyarkotey Alternative Medical College located in Dodowa-Akoto House.

The Da Vinci College operates a modular degree system by which degrees are obtained via a process of credit accumulation. Modules are self-contained units of teaching, learning and assessment which usually run for one semester. Modules are worth a fixed amount of credit, so if you pass the module you gain the appropriate number of credits which then count towards your degree.

Each module is assessed in the semester in which it is taught. Assessment will normally comprise of examinations, continuous assessment or, in most cases, a combination of these. Students who fail the assessment for a particular module are offered an opportunity to be re-assessed.

Passing a module entitles the student to receive credits for that module. Students will also receive a grade for each module taken which will appear on the individual Diploma awarded for that module, as well as on the transcript given to the student upon completion of their studies.

Here is a summary of the curriculum for the Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine – DSc (HM). Based on the fact that Anatomy and Physiology and Pathology have been covered in undergraduate courses, then there are 8 modules required in total for completion, plus the Doctoral Dissertation. Seven of these are from the Compulsory List, and one topic is chosen from the Elective List – making 8 modules in total, along with the Doctoral Dissertation and the clinical practicum which is also compulsory:

Compulsory courses required (unless exemption is awarded):

Anatomy and Physiology

Pathology for Natural Medicine

Clinical Nutrition – Part 1

Herbal Medicine

Bach Flower Remedies

Naturopathic Medicine – Part 1

Energy Medicine and Bioresonance

Detoxification and Toxicology

Electives List:

Homeopathic Medicine

Su Jok Therapy


Clinical Nutrition – Part 2

Naturopathic Medicine – Part 2

Holistic Psychology

Live Blood Analysis

Naturopathic Sexology

Urinalysis and Body Fluids


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

The Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine consists of many separate modular courses covering a whole spectrum of health topics – each of these modular courses is a stand-alone and can be taken as an individual Diploma Course with Certification. This encourages the student to implement this knowledge-base in clinical practice as soon as they have completed each Diploma course, as they will have the Certification to prove that they have passed these exams for the said course.

The modular course structure based on distance-learning allows the student to work at their own pace while working elsewhere without having to disrupt family or working life. The student can even work while they are travelling as most of the course materials are in downloadable files that can be stored on the hard disc of the computer. There are hundreds of pages of reading material with each course.

There are also many interactive videos and documentaries to watch and you can even copy these directly to your laptop and watch them while on a plane. There are also hundreds of links to many other sources of helpful information – these courses have taken many years to write and develop and are at a cutting-edge level that is difficult to match.

The courses should ideally be taken in sequential order to benefit from prerequisite knowledge required to build on. The College and its courses have been accredited by the Pastoral Medical Association in the USA, and registered with the Complementary Medical Association (CMA) in the UK, as well as the Affiliation of Ethical and Professional Therapists (AEPT) in the UK. It also has obtained full professional board accreditation from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners in the USA.
Students in Ghana are eligible to be members of the Alternative Medical Association of Ghana (AMAG)
It is very rare to find a College that takes all these modalities and more and puts them into a Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine course – this is the essence of this course – you will not only be studying homeopathy or herbal medicine or naturopathy, but in fact you will study enough of each to be able to practice as a competent Holistic Health practitioner, dealing with many health issues that using only one healing modality will not be able to help.

This is made possible because the Founder and Academic Dean of the Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine, Dr. George J Georgiou, Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM).,MSc.,BSc has been studying natural methods of health for over 25 years and has amassed degrees and diplomas in the biological sciences, clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, Su Jok acupuncture, energy medicine, iridology, sclerology, live blood analysis, thermography, clinical psychology and clinical sexology, along with a lot more training in other modalities of healing, as well as many research interests and publications.

Not only did he spend a life-time studying all these topics in depth, but he has applied this knowledge by building a bespoke Holistic treatment centre called the Da Vinci Holistic Health Centre in Cyprus that uses all these modalities and more and sees patients from all over the world, specializing in the treatment of chronic disease. Students taking the Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine will be able to spend time undertaking clinical work at this cutting-edge Holistic Centre as part of their requirements.

To understand more about the Holistic Model and Dr Georgiou’s work at the Center read his latest book entitled: Curing the Incurable with Holistic Medicine

Course Completion

To gain maximal benefit from your studies, it is recommended that the student plan to take at least two, but preferably three courses per semester (4 chronological months). There are a total of 8 Diploma courses required to complete the D.Sc (HM), making for approximately 1,600 physical hours of study. The average student should be able to complete all nine compulsory courses to be awarded the Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine in about 12 – 18 months. A maximum of 60 months is allowed for completion for students with heavy work commitments.

If the Bachelor of Science in Holistic Medicine is completed, then the Doctoral degree can be began immediately without further ado.
Medical students usually study for just about 4,200 physical hours in the entirety of their course – most of the academic study is crammed into the first two years – they also have practical work on top of this. The Bachelor of Science in Holistic Medicine covers 9 courses which comes to a total of 1,800 hours (9 x 200 hours = 1,800). This means that 200 hours per course is equivalent to about 12 hours physical study per week.
If a student decides to go on to complete the Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine, there will be a further eight courses to complete, chosen from the electives (8 x 200 hours = 1,600 hours), along with the dissertation of about 20,000 words. The Bachelors and Doctoral level will result in close to 4,000 hours of study which is what most medical schools cover.
Clinical Practicuum

Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine students will have an opportunity to study with Dr. Georgiou at the Da Vinci Holistic Health Centre and will be able to get hands-on training in all aspects of the holistic healing arts. This will be the students opportunity to see the application of everything they have learned on real patients with real diseases.

There is also the flexibility of studying in other Holistic Centers closer to home, but these must be assessed by the College before being certified to accept students.

Take this opportunity for the low fees for Ghanaians compared to what the main college charges in Cyprus and Start your enrolment now at the College’s affiliate in Ghana by calling Dr. Nyarkotey on 0541090045 or pick a form at Dodowa Akoto House, Dangme News Office.

Dr. Nyarkotey Alternative Medical College

We say excellence in Training Alternative Medical Doctors.

Limited spaces available for this pilot project.

Call the admission office now - 0541090045.

Worry no more!

Dr. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu is a Research Professor of Prostate Cancer and Holistic Medicine –faculty lead- Holistic Urology, Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine, Larnaca City, Cyprus. He is the National President of the Alternative Medical Association of Ghana (AMAG). A registered alternative Medical practitioner with specialty in orthomolecular oncology, Prostate Cancer Policy maker and researcher. He can be reached on 0541090045. E mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam vitae tincidunt leo. Vestibulum maximus posuere tempor. Vivamus dignissim, nibh ac placerat tempus, erat urna facilisis libero, a euismod nisl ex feugiat ante. Duis sagittis sem ac accumsan ullamcorper. Vestibulum in velit vehicula, tempor urna id, viverra sapien. Sed mauris nisi, porta sit amet neque id, pretium auctor nulla. Proin malesuada eu diam sed tincidunt. Sed mi enim, aliquam in accumsan vitae, scelerisque vitae lectus. Suspendisse eu congue urna. Curabitur sit amet vehicula leo.

Nullam pharetra est tellus. Duis porttitor tempus quam, quis dignissim mauris pharetra at. Quisque ullamcorper ligula nunc, eget faucibus justo blandit eget. Pellentesque ex turpis, pretium quis ipsum id, tristique tincidunt risus. Aliquam sed massa ex. Duis a quam sagittis, porttitor felis sit amet, ultricies lectus. Aenean at erat eu metus vestibulum malesuada quis quis libero. Integer venenatis lobortis ex ut porttitor. Etiam sit amet vestibulum dolor. Proin dignissim, odio vitae volutpat laoreet, erat nisi aliquet ex, at pulvinar enim lacus ut orci. Nulla venenatis accumsan dolor, id dictum nisl faucibus sed. Cras mattis venenatis dolor eu mollis. Donec at augue egestas, gravida enim in, varius quam. Quisque tincidunt sagittis urna sed porttitor. Maecenas quis nunc vulputate, cursus libero non, fermentum velit. Suspendisse potenti.

Mauris laoreet viverra placerat. Fusce auctor consequat odio in bibendum. Aenean sagittis nisl non condimentum pellentesque. Donec in tortor tempor, interdum nunc nec, venenatis urna. Nam quis justo pretium, fermentum nisl eget, ultrices nibh. Donec tristique dictum neque ut imperdiet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc vehicula volutpat risus, quis finibus erat lacinia eu.

Pellentesque ut augue non odio pulvinar venenatis. Ut feugiat malesuada lacus volutpat lobortis. Quisque et mi tincidunt diam dictum tincidunt ac vitae lectus. Sed scelerisque ante sapien, porttitor accumsan turpis posuere a. Ut eget ex purus. In quis molestie est, sit amet auctor lacus. In rhoncus tellus a sapien mattis aliquet. Aliquam non risus sit amet enim vehicula tincidunt. Curabitur placerat lorem ut consequat mollis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi accumsan libero vitae nibh euismod hendrerit. Mauris id quam hendrerit eros sollicitudin ornare. Nullam in massa sapien. Aliquam a efficitur arcu.

Fusce finibus risus non neque consequat, ut vulputate ligula viverra. Sed mattis elementum lacus, quis tincidunt ex auctor id. Sed vel massa ac tellus tristique lacinia vitae ut nunc. Cras neque nibh, scelerisque ut rhoncus non, mollis eu enim. Integer et quam urna. Mauris pretium urna augue, sit amet blandit turpis consequat eget. Curabitur placerat augue molestie ligula ultrices finibus. Sed finibus turpis eget maximus tincidunt. Mauris ultricies sodales nisi, nec vulputate nibh vehicula gravida. Sed in nulla mollis velit elementum vulputate eu eget nisi. Praesent vehicula maximus orci non finibus.

Cras hendrerit vitae elit ac gravida. Ut mollis ultricies velit at ullamcorper. Curabitur risus magna, sollicitudin nec pulvinar vel, volutpat in mauris. Curabitur aliquet dictum enim, sed fermentum diam commodo vitae. Phasellus vitae velit non justo feugiat posuere. Quisque gravida, velit laoreet viverra aliquet, augue sapien lacinia arcu, eget placerat ligula neque pharetra mi. Nam viverra elit arcu, at bibendum ex efficitur vitae. Cras tincidunt tortor sem, a tincidunt felis faucibus non. Sed ac malesuada arcu. Nulla dignissim vehicula orci, vitae elementum orci. Sed ex orci, luctus non lobortis non, tincidunt at magna. Praesent tristique, dolor quis sollicitudin rutrum, ante augue sagittis arcu, vel porttitor sapien felis nec turpis. In ultrices sed elit sit amet auctor. Nam aliquet, est id sodales scelerisque, lacus mi rutrum lectus, sit amet molestie lorem elit sit amet turpis.

Cras hendrerit vitae elit ac gravida. Ut mollis ultricies velit at ullamcorper. Curabitur risus magna, sollicitudin nec pulvinar vel, volutpat in mauris. Curabitur aliquet dictum enim, sed fermentum diam commodo vitae. Phasellus vitae velit non justo feugiat posuere. Quisque gravida, velit laoreet viverra aliquet, augue sapien lacinia arcu, eget placerat ligula neque pharetra mi. Nam viverra elit arcu, at bibendum ex efficitur vitae. Cras tincidunt tortor sem, a tincidunt felis faucibus non. Sed ac malesuada arcu. Nulla dignissim vehicula orci, vitae elementum orci. Sed ex orci, luctus non lobortis non, tincidunt at magna. Praesent tristique, dolor quis sollicitudin rutrum, ante augue sagittis arcu, vel porttitor sapien felis nec turpis. In ultrices sed elit sit amet auctor. Nam aliquet, est id sodales scelerisque, lacus mi rutrum lectus, sit amet molestie lorem elit sit amet turpis.